hand sewed satin blanket, jig, neon lights, photography, black string, sound system
As usual in my art I mix popular references (talking about one of the most famous sequence in Terminator movie here) with very intimate things and global point of view on human relationship or human fact of just being. This basic action art which uses the same process and materials as the artworks I made during my 2 months residency at Incheon Art Platform has been improvised in one day and one night before I leave back to France.
At the first level, the intervention is about the mutation of an old abandonned restaurant into a future alternative art space in Incheon (South Korea) and the end of my journey in Korea as I was flying back to France in a few days. It is all about beginning and end. But more than that, for human being, end means death, and this is the fatal issue of our entire life which is the subject.
Arnold Schwarzenegger’s famous sentence is sewed on a satin blanket and claims a very straight and positive promise: « I’ll be back » (Back to Incheon? Back to France? Back to life? Is it the promise of a rebirth?). Whatever one’s religion and believes, the words are asking the visitor the question of after death.
In the Terminator’s sepulture, the resurection seems possible or, at least, funerals can be happy with colored lights, brillant fabrics, jewelry diadem (from incheon’s china town of course)…
On the opposite hand, some pessimists would say that the light bones are making a cross putting an obvious « Aniyo » (« no » in korean) on Arnold’s declaration.
Like soul would be leaving the body, black strings comes out the jig to the building walls. They are visible projection of the defuntwhich are spreading all over the building. They’re saying « yes, you’ll be back » because you’re not dead while you’re dead: you’re still leaving until your memory is alive through other’s minds.
The soundscape broadcasted in the dark room is a melodic improvisation mixing guitar chords with a korean language learning method. The paced listing of body parts are supposed to help beginners in foreign language or child to learn. But here it reduces body to a cold corpse. At the same time the erotic lightning cross as the X on sex shops windows introduces sensuality. There is such a contradiction! There is the point. In fact, this might be more about the small space that we are in between birth and death and the way to deal with it and our doubts, our defects, our fears and desires.
On the opposite wall, a photography is pinned on the wall. It shows a female body in a weird configuration that we can not defined as dead or alive, as erotic or morbid. It’s linked to the jig by one of the black lines. It introduces a more explicit ambiguity between mortuary and sexual mood.
« Terminator » blows into the core of the ruined place new lights and sounds. They are really weak but they are anyway signs of life, signs of a real human life…